Listed below are security tips all Jaguar users should read and implement to reduce any risk of losing their funds during day-to-day trading:
If you are generating a wallet using the Jaguar platform, the private key will be shown once immediately after the wallet is generated. Be sure to store this private key somewhere safe where it cannot be accessed by third parties.
WARNING: The Jaguar team as well as anyone claiming to be associated with Jaguar will never ask you for your private keys.
For additional security, we highly recommend you import your Jaguar wallet into an application that allows you to manage your wallets outside of Jaguar, such as Phantom. This will allow you to move funds in and out of your wallet, as well as sell any of your positions even if you were to lose access to Jaguar.
We recommend using Telegram's security features such as Two-Step Verification and Passcode Lock in order to secure your Telegram account. This way, it is a lot less likely someone gets into your account and is able to withdraw funds which are on Jaguar wallets.
WARNING: If you lose access to your Telegram account or it gets hacked, immediately withdraw all funds from wallets which were imported into Jaguar.
Be cautious when clicking links claiming to be the Jaguar on Solana bot. There are malicious actors who may send you false links attempting to steal your funds. The official and only link to the Jaguar on Solana Telegram Bot is the following: For the official links to our backup bots, consult Backup Bots.
As mentioned in the Privacy Policy:
All wallet addresses are stored in a database, along with private keys which are encrypted with AES256bit encryption. There is no way for Jaguar to reveal wallets engaging with the Jaguar platform, beyond what can read by the public on blockchain explorers.
Jaguar has no way to reveal or access private keys.
Last updated